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Tokyo Expo (Stockholm)

Tokyo Expo is a Japan-Centric event that was held in Häggvik, Stockholm this fall (3-4 September).

Denise, Emilia and Ellinor - on our way to Tokyo Expo. Emilia and Ellinor were cosplaying the Little Twin Stars.

Woah, this picture turned out really strange...

This girl was sooo sweet (Sorry sweetie, I forgot your name)! She and her friend came up to me and asked "Aren't you nickipon?", and then they started talking about that they read my blog and that I should blog more, haha. So Cute~

Ellinor and Emilia on day 2.

To be honest, Tokyo Expo sucked. I personally think that you who weren't there didn't miss a shit. The only good thing about it was that some of the stores actually sold some pretty sweet stuff, and meeting new interesting people was also nice. But except that, everything was bullshit. Others might have found this really fun, but it just wasn't my kind of event.


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