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I never know what kind of title to use in a post that is only containing a picture of myself

Myself through my iPhone/Instagram

I don't post a lot of pictures of myself on my blog, mostly because I suck at taking self portraits with my camera, and I never get satisfied. I really love to take pictures of myself and still take a lot of selcas with my iPhone though, but I try to avoid posting the pictures I take with it since I think the quiality sucks. But this time I'm making an exception and will share this small collection of my selcas from my instagram.

From left to right, oldest to newest.

Btw, If you have an iPhone, install instagram and follow me! I'm pretty sure that you can figure out what my nickname is.

Your face that I miss looks like that sunset glow


Me, Diana and Dominique in Harajuku.

I became a camwhore

Ever since I got my iPhone I've been taking a lot of selcas, but I rarely post any photos of myself on my blog. Sooo, even though the quality sucks cock I thought I'd just post these for now (because I'm so cute hihihihihi)... Bitteschööön!

Love Or Like

もう一度傍に来て あの頃みたいに笑ってよ

I put my headphones on and get lost in the rythm

Pink Adidas & Onepiece

OnePiece and Adidas Jacket~ This is before and after I dyed my hair too. It looks so much better now~
