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Diet Diary: Day 2

I woke up with a cold today, feeling like shit. I ate much less than I was supposed to do yesterday, just because I got tired and went to sleep.

I started off with eating two bowls of soup. My friend reminded me that I can season the soup as much as I want, wich I had totally forgotten about, so I threw some herb spice in it wich made it taste much better. I always get hungry very soon after eating it though, even if I eat much at once. But I'm supposed to eat as much as I can, so I guess it's good.

I went 40 minutes on the crosstrainer. I'm supposed to work out at least 45 minutes a day, but I was so exhausted because of my cold that I had to rest. Right now, I'm watching movies and will probably get some more rest soon. In case I fall asleep, I'm going to eat some more soup first.

I'm sorry for not being very enthusiastic today, but as I told you, I don't feel well at all today. I'm happy that people seem to support this though, wich makes me even more motivated. Thank you.

Postat av: Anonym

För något år sen när jag skulle gå ner i vikt så åt jag ett piller ca 25 min innan maten som skulle få magsäcken att krympa, då blir man väldigt lätt mätt på lite mat. Man behöver inte äta dom hela tiden eftersom magen snabbt lär sig att bara ta in en viss mängd mat ^^

2012-01-03 @ 17:31:36

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