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Photoshoot for YOHIO's Solo Project

Me and JENZiiH took the buss to Sundsvall to meet up with YOHIO at around 12AM. We got some stuff we needed for the photoshoot and went to the studio at around 1PM. I started off with doing some of the Makeup, and after JENZiiH was done with the hair we went to the Photostudio where I did the rest of the Makeup. We had to stick around at the studio the whole day, in case we would have to make some touch-ups or if anything would fuck up. Everything went super smooth though, and I was really satisfied with the Makeup! If you're curious about it, you can check out a picture of it here (YOHIO's Twitter). The photos from the photoshoot were absolutely stunning, and everyone did a really great job! Check out a little preview here!

Some people from Sundsvall's Local Newspaper (ST) came to the studio to interview YOHIO, and they also asked me and JENZiiH a few questions, which was quite fun! I'm afraid that I can't share any photos or any more information with you just yet, but YOHIO's Solo Project has already gotten a lot of attention and I'm sure that you'll see and hear a lot more about it and I'll probably write more about this in the future anyway!

There will be another Photoshoot on Thursday, which I'm also very excited about! I gotta get up pretty early and will probably be busy all day once again, but things like that don't matter since the feeling of satisfaction you get after accomplishing something on a long day of hard work makes it totally worth it, not only for me, but for everyone who are engaged and passionate about what they do.


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