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Momoeri Jewel Eyelashes

Purchase them at moeryshop.jp
A Momoeri é uma das minhas gals favoritas mas devo admitir que nunca parei pra ler o blog dela ou saber mais informações sobre a moça!
Eis que lendo o blog dela (http://ameblo.jp/momokaeri/) pela primeira vez me deparo com uma linha de cílios criados por ela!

Não são lindos??? Achei super diferentes pois já que ela é uma mulher mais madura, gyaru mama e apesar de modelar para marcas bem sexy ela tem que manter uma make mais natural e glamurosa, que é exatamente o foco desses cílios!
Agora é a vez da parte triste! Só encontrei eles à venda na Moery Shop, que é a loja online da Momoeri http://www.moeryshop.jp/item/5076.html
Mundo injusto XD

2PM - Hands Up (East4A Mix)

Emilias 19th Birthday

Little Emilia is turning 19 years old! We celebrated her birthday by going to a café called Petite France (So typical lolita...). We spent quite a while there; Just talking, eating and watching Emilia open her presents. It felt like I didn't really fit in among all Lolitas, but it was really fun~


たれドクロBIGカーデ, ネオンヒョウスカート, サイコBIG T, ネオンヒョウリボンカチューシャ, たれドクロスクールシャツ, ネオンヒョウ柄スクエアネクタイ, ネオンヒョウ柄BIGカーデ, ネオンヒョウ柄サスつきサルエルチノパン, ネオンヒョウ柄ソックス , ハイカットラバーソール & ラバーソール


「一番くじ リラックマ chocolate and coffee」

Chika & Chie

もう一度傍に来て あの頃みたいに笑ってよ

Dear My Love 2011 A/W Concept ~A fairy tale love~ (夢展望)

プリンセススタイル♪ティアードレースワンピース & 裏地花柄♪アンクルベルトのリボンウェッジパンプス

劇的HIT!ファーリボンティペット付きバックティアードコート & 8段レース&リボンの姫ロングブーツ

超キュート♪耳付き豹柄ファーコート & 可愛いレース&リボンのクシュクシュニーハイブーツ


Gals be Cruisin'

The Silja Galaxy Cruise Ship! Doesn't really look so fancy as it sounds though...

Woah~ I had such a great time, and I got crazy drunk~ I usually don't throw up when I drink, but I hadn't eaten anyhing at all that day, so well, I guess you can figure out what happened at the end. Shit happens! I was so lucky that everyone took so good care of me~

I didn't take so many pictures since we were mostly running around on the boat and having fun. Aaand, my battery died... Stay tuned for more pictures~

iLoveCandy (Fried Rice)

The stage where we Candy Girls spent most of our time to make Popcorn and Cotton Candy for the guests, dance and have fun!

The Candy Girls (2 more Candy Girls arrived later)

Emilia, Me and Lydia

Emilia, Me and Lydia hanging out at the bar

This event was really fun and it was definitely the best I've been to so far. The athmosphere was great, and I had an awesome time!

Check out more pictures here, here & here.

Tokyo Expo (Stockholm)

Tokyo Expo is a Japan-Centric event that was held in Häggvik, Stockholm this fall (3-4 September).

Denise, Emilia and Ellinor - on our way to Tokyo Expo. Emilia and Ellinor were cosplaying the Little Twin Stars.

Woah, this picture turned out really strange...

This girl was sooo sweet (Sorry sweetie, I forgot your name)! She and her friend came up to me and asked "Aren't you nickipon?", and then they started talking about that they read my blog and that I should blog more, haha. So Cute~

Ellinor and Emilia on day 2.

To be honest, Tokyo Expo sucked. I personally think that you who weren't there didn't miss a shit. The only good thing about it was that some of the stores actually sold some pretty sweet stuff, and meeting new interesting people was also nice. But except that, everything was bullshit. Others might have found this really fun, but it just wasn't my kind of event.

Aya Suzuki Make Up Tutorial