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Becci ♥ Daniel ♥ JENZiiH ♥ Kim ♥ Lydia ♥ Mimi Mio ♥ MKYOHIO

AiriChaigyaruChikaChieEki ♥ Flower Boys FTW ♥ HimekoHimena

 MOKO Top Girl ♥ Pop Cutie ♥ Tokyo Fashion Girls ♥ Rin ♥ QueenieXiaxue ♥ Yutaki

Sweet Donut Nails

Himena Ousaki Make Up Tutorial

Chips, Chocolate and Sheets

At MK's place, eating some snacks and enjoying life!

MK got some new bed sheets! See how SHINY and SOFT it looks? First thing to do when I get an apartment is to get a king size bed and sheets and shit like this, because it's perfect for a PIMP! Sooo comfy!

ろまかな meets キキララ Beauty (egg's beauty)



プリンセスワンピ, スカラップセーラー, お月さまネストバレッタ, ラブリースニーカー, BIGおリボンリング & フェアリーチュールスカート

Helping out with the Styling at a Photoshoot

(At the studio, preparing for the photoshoot)

I helped out MK with the Styling for a Photoshoot with a Photographer that she usually works with. I was pretty excited and a little nervous since I haven't done anything for Photoshoots with Models and all that kind of shit before. Models are usually pretty arrogant, but everyone was really nice and laid back. We got a little stressed out at the end though, since the model had another appointment afterwards.

The photographer is James Davis, and you can check out some of
his work at his website.

Afterwards, we went to my favourite restaurant in Skanstull to eat Dinner. I've been there about a million times, but I still can't remember the name of the place, haha! It's really small and cozy. As usual I was fat and ate two dishes, haha.

Strip Club!

This is where I'm going to work as a Stripper! Come and visit and I'll give you a free lap dance! Haha no, just joking... Or am I? Anyway, Me and MK went to a Sex Shop/Club to visit a friend who works there. He showed us the "Strip Club" one floor down from the actual shop, and it was pretty fun to see since I've never been to a place like that before. Looks pretty classy actually. Another floor down they have "Private Rooms" for... Yeah, I'm actually not really sure about what they do down there.

Me and MK tried to dance some poledance, but yeah, It didn't go so well since since MK ripped her pants while dancing and I just spinned and slid down the pole... Hahah! Highlight of the day!

コリラックマ Wire Headphone


Amekaji is short for "American Casual", and is a Gyaru-Kei trend. It is very popular among teens in Japan and in other countries. Even though the Amekaji style doesn't resemble the style usually used by Americans, it's more inspired by the image of America where everyone is Surfing and playing Baseball. I also personally think that Amekaji is inspired by modern Hip Hop Style.

There are no rules when it comes to this. You can pretty much have any shape and color of skin.

Make Up
Circle Lenses, False eyelashes, Blush, Pink and Nude Lips. Basic Gyaru (Dekame) Make Up, but never as extreme as Agejo Make Up. In general all other types of Make Up are accepted, everything from natural brown to strong colors and lots of glitter.

There is no restriction when it comes to length or style, but stylish and easy to wear looks are popular. Blonde, brown or extreme colours like pink seem to be preferred.

Colorful Outifts! The clothes are based on those used by baseball players and surfers. Colorful Clothes with Prints and words in English are popular.

The most common items used are Baseball Jackets, Sneakers (Skate Type), Baggy Pants & Dungarees. Oversize clothes are also very popular, but it is not a rule.

The accessories are usually Caps, Visors, Fancy Earrings, Belts, Key Chains and Big Sporty Bags. Everything colorful!

In winter, Knit hats and bomber jackets are frequently used.

In addition, Amekaji is one of the only unisex styles that can be worn by both boys and girls.


The Nails are usually Multicolored and decorated with flowers. Hibiscus are the most popular, but you can also see other kinds of flowers like daisies, sunflowers, etc.

Popular brands

COCOLULU is the largest and best known brand in Amekaji style, and isvvery popular in Egg and Ranzuki.

Other popular brands are MarpleQ, Buzz Spunky & Blue Moon Blue.

Rilakkuma × Macaroon (Cell Phone Charm)

Dear My Love 2011 A/W Concept ~A fairy tale love~ (夢展望)

ケープ付シフォンワンピース, サテンリボンロリータパンプスBigリボンのプリンセスバッグ

MarpleQ Coordinate

Go to MarpleQ Online Shop

Miyu Ousaki

Mary Rose 2011 Autumn/Winter Collection (夢展望)

選べる2タイプ♪レトロでか襟レースドットワンピ, 復活!アレンジ自在のヴィンテージ調3wayバッグ & 裏地花柄♪11cmヒールのレースアップヴィンテージ厚底ショートブーツ

クラシカルドルマンボウタイシャツブラウス, ハイウエストタックスカート & 定番アイテム♪レースアップの美脚Dollyパンプス

襟が取り外せてコーデの幅が広がる♪ボウタイ付きカーディガン, レトロレディに早変わり♪プリーツパンツ, リボン付き厚底
& ヴィンテージ可愛い♪2wayショルダーバッグ

egg★store 2011年8月4日プレオープン、2011年9月1日グランドオープン

egg★storeとはeggモデルが実際に使っているコスメをモデル本人が紹介し、気に入った商品をその場で買えちゃう渋谷コスメ専門販売サイトです! なりたいモデルからコスメを検索したり、渋谷で人気のコスメをいち早くゲットできる!


Juliette Top (Gina Tricot)

Diamond Lash TV CM 2011

ボリュームシリーズ (Volume Series)

ピュアシリーズ (Pure Series)

レディグラマラスシリーズ (Lady Glamorous Series)

KERA SHOP WEB限定特集☆読モの選ぶ女のココーデ

パンクワッペン柄プリント入りロングスカート, パンク柄プリント入りヒョウ柄フードカーデ, ボリュームソール厚底ブーツ & クモの巣ボーダーロング丈タンクワンピ

ハートあみこみカーデ, ネコ王冠プリント入りアームカバーつきワンピ, フェアリーチュールスカート & キルトつきブーツ

ロックスターデニムオーバーオール, PUNK SLASHロングスリーブカットソー(REBELLION), BLACK PATENT CREEPER HEELS & ヒョウ柄ストール

ドクロダメージドルマンプルオーバー, リボンパニエ, 目玉リップチョーカー, HYPER METAL COREネックレス & 2WAYロングスニーカー

DEVIL TAILエプロンつきスカート, ANARCHYロングシャツ, Mensライダース風ブーツ & ストライプタイハイ

Candy Girl at Fried Rice

I was asked if I (and my girls from Lovelipop) wanted to be a hostess(ess) at a Fried Rice Event called iLoveCandy, and of course - I accepted!

Together with little Lydia (from Lovelipop), I'm going to hand out cotton candy, lolliops, candy, popcorn and lots of bubbles to the guests.

This is my first job as a so called hostess, and I feel really confident and excited about it!

The Event will take place on Saturday, September 3 at a club called Göta Källare in Stockholm and it will last between 22:30 - 03:00. At 1am, I will be able to party with everyone else!

Read more about the "iLoveCandy" Event here, and don't forget to check it out on Facebook!

If you want to know more about Fried Rice and what it is, you can check out their website here!

Don't forget to attend, and I'll hope to see you there~!

Nicorun (for JSG)

Agejo (あげ嬢/アゲ嬢 /Ageha Girls)

To understand the beginning of Agejo we have to talk a little about Kyabajo! Kyabajo means "Cabaret Girls" that emerged in the late 80's and are also known as "Hostess". Hostesses are girls who work as companions to men at clubs, not necessarily offering sexual services. With the growth of girls in the business, Koakuma Ageha was launched in October 2006, and girls who were not hostessess began to be interested in the style that the girls in the magazines had, which was called Agejo (added the "jou" of term "Ojousama" (お嬢様) which means honorable girl.)

So If you want to make it short, a Hostess is not the same as an Agejo. An Agejo does not necessarily have to be a Hostess, and a Hostess does not necessarily be Agejo. Since I want to be as specific as possible, I'll talk about Hostess and tell you more about Agejo.

Pictures from Ageha January 2011. Models are Chika (Guri) Yoshikawa & Himena Ousaki.

Pictures from Ageha February 2011. Models are Rina Sakurai and Rin.

The makeup is much heavier than other styles, and long dramatic eyelashes are always used. The circle lenses may also be slightly different as usual. Models for Ageha are frequently using more dramatic and enlarging looking lenses in Brown, Gray, Blue and even Purple. Popular shades for the lips are Purple, and Red for a more Sexy look. Lately, Pink Lipshades and Eye Make have also been befrequently used though.

Pictures from Ageha March 2011. Models are Satomi Yakuwa & Himena Ousaki.

Pictures from Ageha January 2011. Models are Chika (Guri), Chie (Gura) & Sayaka Araki.

The hair is usually in a shade of Brown or Blonde, and it's very rare to see an Agejo with Black or any other extreme haircolour. The hair is always puffed, and the Agejo (like almost all gyaru) often use extensions to increase the volume of the hair. Wigs, Half Caps and Clip On Bangs such as those from the Prisila Brand are also very popular.

Pictures from Ageha April 2011. Models are ?, Himena Ousaki, ?, Chika & Chie.

The main point of the outfits is to be Cute mixed with Sexy. The clothes combine short skirts with bows and ribbons. The most usual colours used are Black, Pink and Gray. Brand name Jewelry and Bags are also popular. Two popular shops where you can buy Agejo Style Clothes are Ageha Shop, Yumetenbou & MA*RS

The nails are one of the most important highlights in the style, and are always extreme.

Since 2010, I've seen more and more Cute, Girly and Hime Styles in the Magazine though. Ageha Models that are using these kind of styles are
Himeka Shirosaki and Himena Ousaki. But since Ageha is a Fashion and Beatuy Magazine, there is a big variety of different substyles and trends too of course.

Besides clothing for use on the street, there are also some pages with work clothes for Hostesses (since the magazine was created for them from the start)

Along with Kogals, this is one of the styles that suffer the most from prejudice in Japan, and also outside it. The style is usually associated with Prostitution and Enjo Kosai, which we know exists but is defenitely not a rule for Agejo. Just because a girl follows that style does not necessarily mean that they perform these kind of actions.

Agejo is a very expensive style. They have to go to the Hairdresser and Manicurist often and buy expensive clothes. Because of the growing popularity of the style, it gives them really few options for work, and some will even abandon their studies and career
to successful follow the style. In addition to Hostess, other common professions are: Manicurist, Hairdresser, Dancer, Model and Shop Assistant.

Another problem is that often when Gaijin speak of "Gyaru", they only think of Agejo and Kogal. People from other countries tend to reject the other styles just because they think that these two are the "Real Gyaru", but this is not true. Despite the popularity of Agejo, it is still a minority in Japan. At Shibuya 109 there are only about four shops that are purely Agejo.

There is a preference for white skin, at least the Japanese Agejo do not have dark or tan skin, but some Gaijin Agejo do have tanned skin. A slim body and a big or pushed up bust also seems to be important features. A pretty big part of the content at the end in Koakuma Ageha is about Weight Loss, Breast Enlargement and similar.

Agejo Tutorial (Base, Make & Hair)

"Age-jo is a gal (girl) with big eyes and curly hair in updo style, produced from the Magazine "Koakuma Ageha". Shiny and gorgeous makeup like a princess has a good reputation among men. It's not too much to say that Age-jo's makeup is the supreme way of Popular Make Up."

Tsubawa Masuwaka (Dolly Wink)

Dekame (でかめ)

Dekame is the Japanese word for "Big Eyes", and is simply about to make your eyes look bigger with Make Up. This is especially popular among young girls in Japan, and depending on Style and age the Make Up is different.

Below are some different videos that will show you step by step (Base Make, Eye Make & Hair Make) how to achieve these popular looks.

These looks are simply used to make your eyes look bigger and can be used for both Gyaru and other Japanese Styles.


In this video they are referring to Gyaru as we know them, but in a more relaxed style.



Ageha Magazines

Some of my precious Ageha Magazines. Photo taken by MK.

Pearl & Heart Earrings (Glitter Pure Silver Collection)

NDS Lite (TTDS Menu)

Candy Doll Highlighter (Concept Photo)

Sleepy Sayuri~

Pink & Blue Nails

Glamorous Sexy Girl KOAKUMA Style (夢展望)

Click the picture to see the collection

リラックマ Rhinestone iPhone 4 Cover

Natsumi, Emi, Satomi, Yuuki, Yukiko, Yui & Nemoyayo

natsumi saito, emi sakamoto, satomi yakuwa, yuuki yamamoto, yukiko sano, yui minemura & nemoyayo

Colorsensational High Shine 805 Pink Freeze

PinkyParadise Shopping (Lenses, Lashes and More)

Geo XCH-622 Super Size Nudy BlueGeo XCH-624 Super Size Nudy BrownCutie Animal Lens Case (Piggie),
Koji Eye Talk Tuck Tape 60 PcKoji Eyetalk Double Eyelid Glue, Rohto Lycee Contact Eyedrops,
Eyemazing No.501, Diamond Lash Series 2 - No.4 Sweet Eye (Lower Lash),
Dolly Wink #No.2 Sweet GirlyDolly Wink #No.5 Real NudeDolly Wink #No.6 Baby Cute,
Candy Doll Cheek Color Highlight MarshallowCandy Doll Cheek Color Peach Pink

Product Reviews will be up soon!

Geo Super Size Nudy Brown, Eyemazing No.501 & Dolly Wink No.5 Real Nde

Chai Latte

Enjoying a delicious Chai Latte and shit with Sofia and Hanna at Barista~

Teen Top - 향수 뿌리지마 (MV + Dance Version)

KOSÉ Cosmagic Sweet Deco Cheek (Kumicky)

BLOCK B - Freeze!